Effects of Contouring Variation on Cancer Treatment Planning

Published in Medical Physics, 2021

Recommended citation: Soares Mullen, T., Jenkins, A., Johnson-Hart, C., Green, A., McWilliam, A., Aznar, M., van Herk, M., Vasquez Osorio, E. (2021). "Novel methodology to assess the effect of contouring variation on treatment outcome." Medical Physics. 48(6). https://ThomasMullen.github.io/files/MedicalPhysics2021Novelmethodologytoassesstheeffectofcontouringvariation.pdf

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Recommended citation: Soares Mullen, T., Jenkins, A., Johnson-Hart, C., Green, A., McWilliam, A., Aznar, M., van Herk, M., Vasquez Osorio, E. (2021). “Novel methodology to assess the effect of contouring variation on treatment outcome.” Medical Physics. 48(6).